IEA Medium-Term Coal Market Report 2020

World Coal Association

18 Dec 2020

Statement from Michelle Manook, Chief Executive, World Coal Association

The World Coal Association acknowledges the International Energy Agencys (IEA) Medium-Term Coal Market Report 2020 and calls for the IEA to continue its support of all fuels and clean technologies to meet global energy needs and reach net-zero emissions.

Reflecting on the report, Michelle Manook said:

In the acute stages of COVID-19, many countries identified coal as essential, critical to their economies during the pandemic and key to their recovery. The importance of coal to countries particularly across Asia is clear and we cannot dismiss the rights of developing nations to choose stable, reliable, and affordable energy to support recovery and future economic growth.

Coal will continue to be a significant contributor to development both through its role in electricity and in producing the building blocks of our societies – the steel and the cement.

There is no one size fits all solution. Many countries have identified a role for clean coal technologies in their Paris Agreement pledges. In 2020, China and Japan enhanced these ambitions by committing to net-zero targets. This doesnt mean transitioning away from coal. Instead, these coal-based economies are creating diverse, affordable, and resilient fuel systems, reducing the emissions profile of coal in the long-term through the wider deployment of clean coal technologies.

The World Coal Association is working with governments, investors, and industry to build a robust, flexible, and clean coal global industry which supports and underpins economic development and growth.